That's a new feature, if you like, of NATO planning, which looks at how we can share the burden and adjust the contributions of different nations over a longer period, using a long-term force-generation process that identifies nations' ability to cont
ribute at different times during the cycle of a mission, and then doing the burden sharing that's required to make sure that all can contribute, or get the regeneration time they need over time. For Afghanistan specifically, I
have spoken to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Cr
...[+++]addock, as well as to the Secretary General about the need for us to start looking a much further distance ahead, looking at what's going to happen, not only in 2008 and 2009, when, as many nations have indicated, their parliaments will ultimately have to make decisions as to whether or not they remain, and looking at how we can now sustain this mission in the longer term.
Dans le cas particulier de l'Afghanistan, je me suis entretenu avec le commandant suprême des Forces alliées en Europe, le général Craddock, ainsi qu'avec le secrétaire général de la nécessité de planifier à beaucoup plus long terme; il faut réfléchir à ce qui va se produire non seulement en 2008 et en 2009 lorsque, comme plusieurs pays l'ont annoncé, leur Parlement va décider du maintien ou du retrait de leur armée, et voir comment nous pouvons envisager dès maintenant la continuation de cette mission à long terme.