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50 Ways to take part in Canadian Environment Week
Country taking part in the Union
Engage in rabbinical court proceedings
Get involved in the day-to-day operations
Partake in rabbinical court processes
Participate in rabbinical court proceedings
Perform debates
Take part
Take part clause
Take part in debates
Take part in rabbinical court proceedings
Take part in the day-to-day operation of the company
To take part as agent
Undertake debates
Undertake deliberations

Traduction de «to take part as agent » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in which Ireland does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2002/192/EC of 28 February 2002 concerning Ireland's request to take part in some of the provisions of the Schengen acquis*. Ireland is therefore not taking part in its adoption and is not bound by it or subject to its application.

Le présent [acte] constitue un développement des dispositions de l'acquis de Schengen auxquelles l'Irlande ne participe pas, conformément à la décision 2002/192/CE du Conseil du 28 février 2002 relative à la demande de l'Irlande de participer à certaines dispositions de l'acquis de Schengen*; l'Irlande ne participe donc pas à l'adoption du présent [acte] et n'est pas liée par [celui-ci] ni soumise à son application.

This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in which the United Kingdom does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2000/365/EC of 29 May 2000 concerning the request of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to take part in some of the provisions of the Schengen acquis*; the United Kingdom is therefore not taking part in its adoption and is not bound by it or subject to its application.

Le présent [acte] constitue un développement des dispositions de l'acquis de Schengen auxquelles le Royaume-Uni ne participe pas, conformément à la décision 2000/365/CE du Conseil du 29 mai 2000 relative à la demande du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord de participer à certaines dispositions de l'acquis de Schengen*; le Royaume-Uni ne participe donc pas à l'adoption du présent [acte] et n'est pas lié par [celui-ci] ni soumis à son application.

getting involved in the day-to-day operation of the company | take part in the day-to-day operation of the company | get involved in the day-to-day operation of the company | get involved in the day-to-day operations

s’impliquer dans les activités quotidiennes de l’entreprise

take part in debates | undertake debates | perform debates | undertake deliberations

organiser des débats

partake in rabbinical court processes | take part in rabbinical court proceedings | engage in rabbinical court proceedings | participate in rabbinical court proceedings

participer à une procédure judiciaire rabbinique

50 Ways to take part in Canadian Environment Week

50 façons de participer à la Semaine canadienne de l'environnement

country taking part in the Union

pays participant à l'Union
Commission agents or persons authorised by the Commission to act on its behalf may take part in such checks.

Les agents de la Commission ou les personnes mandatées par celle-ci peuvent y participer.

Agents from the Member State concerned may take part in such checks.

Des agents de l'État membre concerné peuvent participer à ce contrôle.

Parents and children are invited to take part in a huge interactive symposium using RealVideo to watch presentations, take part in discussions, obtain answers to their questions and take part in surveys.

Les parents et les enfants sont donc conviés tout à fait gratuitement à un grand rassemblement interactif pour regarder en RealVideo des conférences, participer aux discussions, obtenir des réponses à leurs questions et participer à des sondages.

I will give a number of examples: 37 per cent of children and youth with disabilities never take part in organized physical activities compared to 10 per cent amongst those without disabilities; 24 per cent never take part in unstructured physical activities in the community in comparison to 2 per cent of their peers; and 73 per cent of children and youth with disabilities never take part in organization, groups and club activities in the community compared to 57 per cen ...[+++]

Je vais donner plusieurs exemples : 37 p. 100 des enfants et des jeunes qui ont un handicap ne participent jamais à des activités physiques organisées, comparativement à 10 p. 100 de ceux qui n'ont pas de handicap; 24 p. 100 ne participent jamais à une activité physique libre dans la collectivité, comparativement à 2 p. 100 de leurs pairs; enfin, 73 p. 100 des enfants et des jeunes qui ont un handicap ne participent jamais aux activités d'organisations, de groupes et de clubs dans la collectivité, comparativement à 57 p. 100 de ceux qui n'ont pas de han ...[+++]

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Commission agents or persons delegated by the Commission may take part in such controls.

Les agents de la Commission ou des personnes mandatées par celle-ci peuvent participer à ces contrôles.

(Return tabled) Question No. 472 Mr. Mark Holland: With regard to the Correctional Service of Canada’s (CSC) offender programming: (a) what offender programs, broken down by category, are currently offered by CSC, including for each program (i) the institutions at which they are offered, (ii) the number of spaces available, (iii) the annual cost of running the program; (b) does CSC evaluate the success of their offender programming and, if so, how; (c) what criteria and processes do CSC employ to select which offender programs are or will be offered at each institution; (d) what processes are employed to place offenders in programs; (e) do all offenders who request to take part ...[+++] program have access to it and, if not, why not; (f) do all offenders who are required to take part in specific programs as part of their Correctional Plans have access to them; (g) over the last ten years, broken down annually, how many offenders have had as part of their Correctional Plan the participation in CSC programming and in which programs where these offenders supposed to take part, broken down by category; (h) over the last ten years and broken down annually, how many offenders participated in programs that were required as part of their Correctional Plans; (i) if there is a discrepancy between the answers to (g) and (h), what accounts for it; (j) how much of the overall CSC budget has been spent on offender programming, broken down annually over the last ten years and how does that compare to CSC’s other spending categories; (k) over the next ten years, broken down annually, how much of the overall CSC budget will be spent on offender programming and how does that compare to planned spending in CSC’s other spending categories; (l) does CSC have the necessary staff to meet offender programming needs and, if not, what is being done to address this shortfall; and (m) over the next ten years, does CSC plan to expand the number and type of programs offered to offenders ...

(Le document est déposé) Question n 472 M. Mark Holland: En ce qui concerne les programmes de Service correctionnel du Canada (SCC) destinés aux délinquants: a) quels programmes, ventilés par catégorie, sont actuellement offerts par le SCC, y compris par programme (i) les établissements où il est offert, (ii) le nombre de places disponibles, (iii) son coût annuel; b) le SCC évalue-t-il le succès de ses programmes destinés aux délinquants et, si oui, comment; c) quels critères et processus le SCC emploie-t-il pour décider des programmes qui sont ou seront offerts à chaque établissement; d) d’après quels critères décide-t-on d’inscrire les délinquants aux programmes; e) les délinquants qui demandent à s’inscrire à un programme ...[+++]

No Judge or Advocate-General may take part in the disposal of any case in which he has previously taken part as agent or adviser or has acted for one of the parties, or in which he has been called upon to pronounce as a member of a court or tribunal, of a commission of inquiry or in any other capacity.

Les juges et les avocats généraux ne peuvent participer au règlement d'aucune affaire dans laquelle ils sont antérieurement intervenus comme agent, conseil ou avocat de l'une des parties, ou sur laquelle ils ont été appelés à se prononcer comme membre d'un tribunal, d'une commission d'enquête ou à tout autre titre.

In its view, however, the requirement to notify an address in France unduly complicates matters for co-owners residing in other EU Member States and other, less binding solutions could be envisaged that would allow not only managing agents to meet their obligations but also co-owners residing abroad to have their correspondence sent to their real address so that they could take part easily in managing their co-ownership.

Elle considère cependant que l'obligation de notifier une adresse en France crée une situation excessivement difficile pour les copropriétaires résidant dans d'autres Etats de l'Union européenne, et que d'autres solutions moins contraignantes pourraient être envisagées, qui permettraient à la fois au syndic de satisfaire à ses obligations et au copropriétaires résidant à l’étranger de se voir adresser sa correspondance au lieu de son domicile réel afin de pouvoir participer aisément à la gestion de sa copropriété.

Commission agents or persons delegated by the Commission may take part in such checks.

Les agents de la Commission ou les personnes mandatées par celle-ci peuvent y participer.

The employer may not take disciplinary measures against an employee who takes part in a legal work stoppage or who refuses to perform the duties of another employee who is taking part in a legal work stoppage.

Ainsi, l'employeur n'a pas le droit de prendre des mesures disciplinaires contre un employé qui participe à un arrêt de travail légal ou qui refuse de remplir les fonctions d'un autre employé qui, lui, participe à un arrêt de travail légal.

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Date index: 2022-03-29