The next step is to consider that, where the attribution of some of these costs is meaningless, as, for example, in the case of the Italian motorways, which have already fully achieved their payback – the revenue from these charges which exist today could constitute funds to be used in cross-subsidies, in order to ensure that certain costs charged to road users serve to improve infrastructure in other modes of transport which are certainly more environmentally friendly.
L'étape suivante consiste à considérer que, là où l'imputation de certains de ces coûts n'a plus aucune signification - je pense aux autoroutes italiennes, largement amorties -, ces frais pourraient constituer des fonds à utiliser dans une hypothèse de subside croisé, afin que les frais imputés aux utilisateurs de la route servent à améliorer les infrastructures des modes concurrents, certainement plus respectueux de l'environnement.