1. os Estados-membros suprimirão as restrições que: - por força de disposições legislativas, regulamentares ou administrativas, impeçam os beneficiários de celebrar contratos de arrendamento rural, sujeitando-os a condições especiais para a celebração ou a execução de tais contratos, ou lhes restrinjam o gozo dos direitos daí decorrentes.
Whereas beneficiaries under the Council Directive of 2 Apr
il 1963 laying down detailed provisions for the attainment of freedom of establishment in agriculture in the territory of a Member State in respect of nationals of other countries of the Community who have been employed as paid agricultural workers in the Member State for a continuous period of two years (63/261/EEC) (4) and beneficiaries under the Council Directive of 2 Apr
il 1963 laying down detailed provisions for the attainment of freedom of establishment on agricultural ho
...[+++]ldings abandoned or left uncultivated for more than two years (63/262/EEC) (5) already enjoy the same treatment as nationals of the Member State concerned as regards the law relating to agricultural leases.