Mr. Keddy: I think the quick answer to that is yes, but the long answer is the fact that w
hen we look at this trade agreement, with roughly $70 million of exports to Jordan, a lot of people may look at that and say that is a small amount with regard to the trade of over $700 billion that we do with the U.S. However, after saying that, we have to realize that that $70 million is a
lot of money to the companies that are doing that trade, and it is extremely important to those individuals, going back to my other statement, for the abilit
...[+++]y to be on a level playing field with our competitors vis-à-vis the European Union, especially the United States.M. Keddy : Je pense que la réponse courte à cette question est oui, mais la réponse longue est qu'en fait, lorsqu'on examine l'accord de libre-échange, on constate qu'il touche des exportations vers la Jordanie totalisant à peu près 70 millions de dollars. Bon nombre de gens peuvent penser que ce montant n'est pas très élevé comparativement aux biens et services que nous exportons vers les États-Unis et qui se chiffrent à plus de 700 milliards de dollars.