They work diligently to support sex workers and to try to work with those who are purchasing sex, explaining to them that in many circumstances they are putting women or men or children at risk in trafficking and trying to get them to understand the risks inherent in the trade. It was deeply troubling to hear, in a question from the other side to my hon. colleague, the suggestion that the court just said to come up with something that would work.
Ils travaillent avec diligence pour appuyer les travailleurs du sexe et pour tenter d'intervenir auprès des personnes qui achètent des services sexuels, de leur expliquer que, dans bien des cas, ils font courir à des femmes, des hommes ou des enfants le risque d'être victimes de la traite des personnes, et de les amener à comprendre les risques inhérents au commerce du sexe.