The resources allocated to this "Road Transport Infrastructure" programme are being concentrated on a limited number of priorities related to major projects within the framework of the trans-European networks, i.e. the motorway from Messina to Palermo and the trunk roads Salerno-Reggio Calabria, Sassari-Cagliari, Bari-Otranto and Brindisi-Lametia Terme.
Les ressources de ce programme "Infrastructures de Transport Routier" ont ete concentrees sur un nombre limite d'actions prioritaires qui concernent la realisation de grands projets dans le cadre des reseaux transeuropeens, c est a dire: l Autoroute Messina-Palermo, et les axes routiers Salerno- Reggio Calabria, Sassari-Cagliari, Bari-Otranto et Brindisi-Lametia Terme.