Something along these lines might have been more helpful, including for Turkey, because it would have sent a more accurate message to the forces in Turkey which really do intend to modernise the country and it would have supported their efforts to put conditions in place which guarantee its European prospects, giving them serious arguments with which to convince the many sceptics that those prospects are, in fact, well-founded.
Un tel discours apporterait peut-être une aide plus efficace à la Turquie même, du fait qu’il émettrait un signal plus juste à ceux qui souhaitent véritablement sa modernisation et qu’il renforcerait leurs efforts d’assurer les conditions requises à son adhésion à l’UE, afin de convaincre ceux - et ils sont nombreux- qui, forts de puissants arguments, mettent en doute le bien-fondé de cette perspective.