The hon. member forgot to mention the case of the francophone waiting in line at the manpower office. When his turn finally came after a close to two-hour wait-and I am relating situations which I witnessed or which were reported to me-the francophone was told: Sorry, I do not speak French but we do have a bilingual person working here and would you go back to the end of the line, which means another wait of 45 minutes or more, so that maybe that particular officer will be available when your turn comes again.
Il a oublié de citer l'exemple d'un francophone qui fait la queue à un centre d'emploi et, lorsqu'il arrive au guichet, après avoir attendu une heure et demie ou deux heures-et ce sont des expériences que j'ai vues ou qui m'ont été rapportées-il se fait dire en anglais: Sorry, I do not speak French, but we do have a bilingual person working here and would you go back to the end of the line-ce qui veut dire qu'il devra encore attendre 45 minutes ou plus, afin que maybe, maybe, that particular agent va être disponible quand son tour arrivera.