While we would consider a Ugandan LGBT individual a likely candidate, given the terrible circumstances in the country, we have been told by credible refugee organizations working in Uganda and Kenya that they will not, under any circumstance, refer an LGBT individual for resettlement in Canada because of the unacceptable delay in processing private sponsorship at the Nairobi mission, so Ugandan refugees fleeing homophobic persecution are currently being referred for resettlement only to the United States and some European countries, instead of Canada, a country with one of the best records on LGBT rights.
Nous pourrions certes envisager la candidature d'un LGBT ougandais, étant donné les circonstances terribles qui prévalent dans le pays. Mais des organisations de réfugiés dignes de confiance qui oeuvrent en Ouganda et au Kenya nous ont dit qu'en aucun cas elles n'adresseraient un candidat en vue de la réinstallation au Canada en raison des retards inacceptables que prend le traitement de parrainage privé à la mission de Nairobi.