But as Mr. Rodd can attest to, the key thing with our model, the way it has worked in the past, is that in the private sector, we in essence took the components that would have been in a rating that's what the funder looked to do and verified that those were there rather than waiting for a third party to do it. That's more or less what we're asking BDC to do, to take a role that has worked in the market for the last number of years and duplicate it.
Cependant, comme M. Rodd peut en témoigner, l'essentiel de notre modèle, de la façon dont il a fonctionné par le passé, c'est que, dans le secteur privé, nous vérifions l'exactitude de la cote de solvabilité — ce que cherche à faire le financier —, plutôt que d'attendre qu'une tierce partie s'en charge.