Since President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced their mutual commitments to continental defence in Ogdensburg, Canada has created a solid institutional partnership, symbolized by NORAD, the Military Cooperation Committee, and the Permanent Joint Board on Defence, just to name a few of the more than 400 defence agreements, memoranda of understanding, and bilateral fora for defence coordination between Canada and the U.S. However, this very cost-effective strategy designed explicitly to protect Canadian sovereignty has lost much of its drive over the past decade.
Depuis que le président Roosevelt et le premier ministre Mackenzie King ont annoncé leurs engagements communs quant à la défense du continent à Ogdensburg, le Canada a créé un partenariat institutionnel solide, que symbolise NORAD, le comité de coopération militaire et le conseil mixte permanent de défense, pour ne nommer que quelques-uns des plus de 400 accords, protocoles d'entente ou organismes bilatéraux de coordination de la défense entre le Canada et les États-Unis.