104. Notes with satisfaction that, with regard to the plants visited in the UK, substantial and effective efforts have been made (documentation, surveillance, cutting up, staining) to prevent meat which is unfit for human consumption from being placed on the market; notes, however, that such measures were not applied in the case of animals slaughtered earlier and trusts that such efforts are not confined to the plants which were visited; consequently calls on the Commission to keep on examining implementation of the measures;
104. constate avec satisfaction qu'en ce qui concerne les installations visitées au Royaume-Uni, des efforts considérables et efficaces (documentation, surveillance, découpage, coloration) ont été entrepris pour éviter que la viande impropre à la consommation humaine ne soit mise en circulation; note cependant que ces mesures n'ont pas été appliquées aux animaux abattus antérieurement et espère que ces efforts ne se limitent pas aux installations visitées; demande donc à la Commission de poursuive l'examen de la mise en oeuvre de ces mesures;