Assadourian Bakopanos Bergeron Bernier (Beauce) Bernier (Mégantic-Compton-Stanstead) Brushett Calder Cannis Caron Chan Crête Dalphond-Guiral Daviault de Savoye Debien Deshaies Dumas Fewchuk G
raham Gray (Windsor West/Ouest) Guay Hopkins Jordan Leblanc (Longueuil) Lefebvre Leroux (Richmond-Wolfe) Leroux (Shefford) McLellan (Edmonton Northwest/Nord-
Ouest) Ménard Mitchell O'Brien (London-Middlesex) Paré Patry Pettigrew Pillitteri Pomerleau Serré Sheridan St-Laurent St. Denis Tremblay (Rosemont) Ur The Deputy Speaker: The next question is on Motion No. 36. A
...[+++]negative vote on Motion No. 36 requires the question to be put on Motion No. 35. Mr. Boudria: Mr. Speaker, if you were to seek it I believe you would find unanimous consent that all members who voted on the previous motion be recorded as having voted on the motion now before the House, with Liberal members voting yea.Assadourian Bakopanos Bergeron Bernier (Beauce) Bernier (Mégantic-Compton-Stanstead) Brushett Calder Cannis Caron Chan Crête Dalphond-Guiral Daviault de Savoye Debien Deshaies Dumas Fewchuk G
raham Gray (Windsor West/Ouest) Guay Hopkins Jordan Leblanc (Longueuil) Lefebvre Leroux (Richmond-Wolfe) Leroux (Shefford) McLellan (Edmonton Northwest/Nord-
Ouest) Ménard Mitchell O'Brien (London-Middlesex) Paré Patry Pettigrew Pillitteri Pomerleau Serré Sheridan St-Laurent St. Denis Tremblay (Rosemont) Ur Le vice-président: Le prochain vote porte sur la motion no 36.
...[+++] Un vote négatif sur la motion no 36 signifie que la motion no 35 sera mise aux voix.