Had this government followed through with some of its campaign promises and had this government, and I will go back to the sports credit again, identified in this budget the 1% of the health care budget that was supposed to be attributed to sport and fitness in this country, then I believe the benefactors would have been the young people of this country, the people who pay the price, who understand what commitment can bring, what hard work can bring, and what sacrifice can bring.
Si le gouvernement avait donné suite à certaines promesses électorales qu'il a faites et notamment, je reprends l'exemple du crédit d'impôt pour les activités sportives, s'il avait affecté, dans son budget, 1 p. 100 du budget de la santé aux sports et à l'activité physique au Canada, ce sont les jeunes, ceux qui savent que les efforts et les sacrifices portent fruit, qui en auraient bénéficié.