That is all very well and good for a senator who lives in what I would call the " TOM area" - Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal - especially those who live in Ottawa or are nearby, to nip in here, register their presence and then depart, to put their feet up, as they used to say in the House of Commons when they were advocating the abolition of evening sittings. However, it is far from satisfactory for the members from the eastern and western extremities of the country.
Tout cela convient très bien aux sénateurs qui habitent ce que j'appelle la «région TOM», Toronto, Ottawa et Montréal, surtout ceux qui habitent Ottawa ou les environs, qui peuvent arriver rapidement au Sénat, enregistrer leur présence et repartir, pour relaxer, comme les députés avaient l'habitude de le dire lorsqu'ils préconisaient l'abolition des séances en soirée.