We need to respond to these questions, but in addition to these external questions, there are internal questions, the most important of which is undoubtedly that being asked by the European citizens, who do not understand, who are often concerned, and sometimes angry, who remain unconvinced and have questions about this large single market that is the cornerstone and has been since the inception of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1950 – this large European market that we are patiently building together.
Il faut que nous répondions à ces interpellations, mais à ces interpellations externes s’ajoutent aussi des interpellations internes, et la plus importante est sans doute celle des peuples européens qui ne comprennent pas, qui sont souvent inquiets, parfois en colère, et qui gardent une distance, qui nous interpelle, avec ce grand marché qui est la fondation, la première fondation depuis 1950, la Communauté du charbon et de l’acier, ce grand marché européen que nous construisons patiemment entre nous.