Professor Keith has provided the committee with three documents, which I have circulated to all honourable senators. These are entitled, " Dangerous Abundance,'' a chapter excerpted from Carbon Shift: How the Twin Crises of Oil Depletion and Climate Change Will Define the Future; " Research on global sun block needed now,'' an article co- authored with Edward Parson and Granger Morgan; and, " A win-win-win solution'' an article from The Globe and Mail co-authored with Thomas Homer-Dickson.
J'ai distribué à tous les honorables sénateurs trois documents que le professeur Keith a fournis au comité, à savoir « Dangerous Abundance », un chapitre tiré du livre Carbon Shift :How the Twin Crises of Oil Depletion and Climate Change Will Define the Future; « Research on global sun block needed now », un article cosigné avec Edward Parson et Granger Morgan, et « A win-win-win solution », un article paru dans The Globe and Mail et cosigné avec Thomas Homer-Dickson.