" 95(2)(b) to the extent that that person knowingly or negligently caused or contributed to the" Mrs. Stewart (Minister of the Environment), seconded by Ms. Fry (Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women)), moved Motion No. 127, That Bill C-32, in Clause 98, be amended by replacing, in the English version, lines 27 to 29 on page 72 with the following:
« 95(2)(b) to the extent that that person knowingly or negligently caused or contributed to the » M Stewart (ministre de l'Environnement), appuyée par M Fry (secrétaire d'État (Multiculturalisme) (Situation de la femme)), propose la motion n 127, Que le projet de loi C-32, à l'article 98, soit modifié par substitution, dans la version anglaise, aux lignes 27 à 29, page 72, de ce qui suit :