For me, the success of this will rise and fall by the fact that the Commission proposal or at least, ultimately, what is decided as a l
egislative proposal here, not only contains hurdles and stipulations that citizens must observe, but also stipulates that the Commission must seriously work on a citizens’ initiative that has reached it,
as, in my view, it would be extraordinarily frustrating if a million citizens had signed such an initiative and, in the end, t
he whole thing just disappeared ...[+++], silently and unceremoniously, into a wastepaper basket.
Pour moi, la réussite de ce projet dépendra du fait que la proposition de la Commission, ou du moins la proposition législative qui sera décidée ici, non seulement contiendra des obstacles et des exigences pour les citoyens, mais également disposera que la Commission doit travailler sérieusement à l’initiative citoyenne qui lui a été remise, car il serait, selon moi, extraordinairement frustrant qu’un million de citoyens signent une telle initiative et que celle-ci, en fin de compte, file à la poubelle, en silence et sans cérémonie.