This immigration minister would do very well to start getting on top of the problem because it is those people, those 18,000 people a year coming into this country as criminals, who are getting involved in the sort of crime that smuggles tobacco that ends up on the black market, pandering and catering to this expansion of the use of tobacco that we talk about, getting our young people hooked and increasing criminal activity in this country.
La ministre de l'Immigration ferait bien de commencer à maîtriser la situation car ce sont ces gens, ces 18 000 criminels qui entrent chaque année au Canada, qui font de la contrebande de cigarettes qui se retrouvent sur le marché noir, qui stimulent et entretiennent la consommation de tabac comme nous venons de le dire, qui créent une dépendance chez les jeunes et qui contribuent à l'augmentation de la criminalité.