When we were preparing for your visit, we did a little bit of research. I'll just read what I have here: according to a prominent Venezuelan Jewish organization, the Confederation of Israelite Associations of Venezuela, the denunciation of Chávez by American-based organizations, suc
h as the ADL or the Simon Wiesenthal Center, have been counterproductive, because at the time—this is 2009, following the incidents the Venezuelan government was reaching out to the Jewish communit
y in Caracas; last year, Mr. Bittan, the vice-president,
said ...[+++] that the Venezuelan government has been addressing the Jewish community’s complaints, while noting that the number of anti-Semitic articles in the Venezuelan media had “dropped by 60%”.
Je vais tout simplement vous lire ce que j'ai ici: d'après une organisation juive bien connue du Venezuela, la Confédération des Associations israélites du Venezuela, la dénonciation de Chávez par des organismes américains comme ADL ou le Centre Simon Wiesenthal a été contre-productive, parce qu'à l'époque — c'est-à-dire en 2009, à la suite des incidents — , le gouvernement vénézuélien s'efforçait de tendre la main à la communauté juive de Caracas.