The corresponding benefit for
society as a whole would amount to €89 million. Bearing in mind that traffic in the Netherlands accounts for some 3% of total road traffic in the European Union, the Commission suggests that, on the basis of the above figures, the overall benefit of installing speed limitation devices in light vehicles (category N2) would amount to some €3 billion for the European Union as a whole. Moreover,
this measure would undoubtedly have beneficial consequences in ensuring conditions of fair competition for all unde
...[+++]rtakings in this sector. The installation of speed limitation devices will mean that it will no longer be possible for some undertakings in this sector to oblige their drivers to drive at excessive speeds at the expense of others whose drivers observe the statutory speed limits.Avec l'installation des limiteurs de vitesse, certaines de ces entreprises ne pourront désormais plus imposer à leurs conducteurs de circuler à une vitesse excessive au détriment de ceux qui respectent les limites de vitesse légales.