The funding: Member states are asked to approve a more efficient and effective use of the EU TEN budget line, which is providing €600 million per year to fund TEN project costs. The contribution of the TEN budget to priority projects has to be raised from 10% to 30% as proposed by the Commission (IP/03/1322) if it is to act as a leverage for the acceleration of projects. The EU 6th Framework Programme resources will also support key projects in the framework of the European Initiative for Growth, such as the launch of the European technology platforms. At the same time, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group should adjust current instruments to the needs of sectors within the Initiative for Growth and become more involved in risk sharing
...[+++]for priority investment projects. According to its latest proposal, the EIB is committed to provide: (i) a further €50 billion to TENs up to the end of the decade under a new Transport Infrastructure Facility; (ii) up to €40bn billion additional funding under the Innovation 2010 Initiative for investments in research, development and innovation; (iii) reinforce its Structures Finance Facility through a transfer of a higher share of its annual surpluses; (iv) support innovation through risk capital by allocating an additional €500 million to the ETF Start-up Facility of the European Investment Fund.Conformément à sa dernière proposition, la BEI devrait: (i) accorder 50 milliards d'euros supplémentaires pour les RTE d'ici la fin de la décennie, dans le cadre d'un nouveau mécanisme de financement des infrastructures de transport; (ii) fournir jusqu'à 40 milliards d'euros supplémentaires dans le cadre de son initiative Innovation 2010 pour des investissements dans les domaines de la recherche, du développement et de l'innovation; (iii) renforcer son mécanisme de financement structuré grâce au transfert d'une part plus importante de ses excédents annuels; (iv) soutenir l'innovation au moyen du capital-risque en allouant un montant su
pplémentaire de 500 millions d'euros a ...[+++]u guichet d'aide au démarrage du MET du Fonds européen d'investissement.