Concerning the repartition of the ev
ents per disease or syndrome 15 were related to salmonellosis, 13
to influenza, 10 to acute diarrhoea, 5 to legionellosis and measles, 4 to vCJD, 3 to cholera, meningitis and fever, 2 to haemorrhagic fever, haemolytic uremic syndrome, malaria, shigellosis and rabies and 1 to anthrax, hepatitis, food intoxication, melioidisis, s
exually transmitted infection, rubella, plague, encephalitis, diphther
...[+++]ia, and botulism.
Wat de verdeling van de gemelde gevallen naar ziekte of syndroom betreft, hadden 15 betrekking op salmonellose, 13 op influenza, 10 op acute diarree, 5 op legionellose en mazelen, 4 op vCJD, 3 op cholera, meningitis en koorts, 2 op hemorragische koorts, hemolytisch uremisch syndroom, malaria, shigellose en rabiës en 1 op miltvuur, hepatitis, voedselvergiftiging, melioidosis, seksueel overdraagbare aandoening, rodehond, pest, encefalitis, difterie en botulisme.