21. Calls on the EU to consider gas storage, interconnectors and flow-back facilities as strategic assets, and therefore regulate the share of third party business contracting parties in those crucial sectors; calls, furthermore, on the Member States to cancel planned agreements with Russia in the energy sector, including nuclear fuel cells, waste shipments of nuclear technology, as well as the South Stream gas pipeline;
21. verzoekt de EU gasopslag, interconnecties en flow-back installaties te gaan zien als strategische troeven, waarmee het aandeel van derde contractsluitende ondernemingen in deze cruciale sectoren kan worden gereguleerd; roept de lidstaten voorts op geplande akkoorden met Rusland in de energiesector, met inbegrip van nucleaire brandstofcellen, de overbrenging van nucleair afval en de South Stream gaspijpleiding, te annuleren;