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Administrative burden
Administrative cost
Administrative formalities
Administrative simplification
Assisting surface mine infrastructure design
Burden of adducing evidence
Burden of establishing a fact
Burden of evidence
Burden of going forward with the evidence
Burden of persuasion burden of persuasion
Burden of producing evidence
Burden on the pleadings
Burden surface
Charge surface
Clean surface for painting
Cleaning surface for painting
Cost of administration
Cost of administrative formalities
Design infrastructure for surface mines
Designing of infrastructure for surface mines
Distribution of the tax burden
Evidential burden
Evidentiary burden
Fixed burden of proof
Guided missile
Infrastructure designing for surface mines
Legal burden legal burden
Multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle
Persuasive burden
Preparation of surface for painting
Prepare surface for enamelling
Prepare surface for painting
Probative burden
Provide surface for enamelling
Risk of nonpersuasion
Secondary burden
Simplification of administrative formalities
Subsurface-to-surface missile
Surface of the stockline
Surface-to-surface missile
Tax burden
Ultimate burden ultimate burden

Traduction de «Burden surface » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
burden surface | charge surface | surface of the stockline

oppervlakte van de lading

burden of establishing a fact | burden of persuasion burden of persuasion | burden on the pleadings | fixed burden of proof | legal burden legal burden | persuasive burden | probative burden | risk of nonpersuasion | ultimate burden ultimate burden


burden of adducing evidence | burden of evidence | burden of going forward with the evidence | burden of producing evidence | evidential burden | evidentiary burden | secondary burden

bewijsleveringslast | bewijsvoeringslast

distribution of the tax burden [ Tax burden(STW) ]

verdeling van de belasting [ verdeling van de belastingdruk ]

assisting surface mine infrastructure design | designing of infrastructure for surface mines | design infrastructure for surface mines | infrastructure designing for surface mines

infrastructuur voor bovengrondse mijnbouw ontwerpen

arrange surface for coating, laminating or painting | fabricate surface for coating, laminating or painting | prepare surface for enamelling | provide surface for enamelling

oppervlak voor emaillering voorbereiden

cleaning surface for painting | preparation of surface for painting | clean surface for painting | prepare surface for painting

oppervlak voorbereiden om te schilderen | oppervlak voorbereiden om te verven | oppervlak klaarmaken om te schilderen | oppervlak klaarmaken om te verven

guided missile [ MIRV | multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle | subsurface-to-surface missile | surface-to-surface missile ]

geleide raket [ kruisraket | MIRV ]

Aircraft crash while landing, member of crew of commercial aircraft in surface to surface transport injured

luchtvaartuigcrash tijdens landen, bemanningslid van commercieel luchtvaartuig in surface-to-surface-vervoer gewond

administrative formalities [ administrative burden | administrative cost | administrative simplification | bureaucracy | cost of administration | cost of administrative formalities | simplification of administrative formalities | Bureaucracy(STW) | bureaucracy(UNBIS) ]

administratieve formaliteit [ administratieve kosten | administratieve lasten | bureaucratie | vereenvoudiging van administratieve formaliteiten ]
Long-term indefinite storage at or near the surface for the most hazardous waste, in facilities requiring permanent active measures such as regular maintenance and continuous monitoring and surveillance, is in the long run unsustainable and passes on an unacceptable burden to future generations.

Langdurige opslag van het gevaarlijkste afval aan of vlak onder de oppervlakte, waarvoor permanente actieve maatregelen vereist zijn zoals regelmatig onderhoud en permanente bewaking en controle, wordt niet gezien als een oplossing die op lange termijn vanuit milieuoogpunt houdbaar is en legt een onaanvaardbare belasting op toekomstige generaties.

Two structural policies are emphasised: contribution-related measures for the "surfacing" of enterprises and workers; reduction of tax and contribution burdens on labour.

De nadruk ligt op twee structurele beleidsmaatregelen: premiegebaseerde maatregelen voor het "opduiken" van ondernemingen en werknemers, en verlaging van de belasting- en premiedruk op arbeid.

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Date index: 2024-06-18