The following formula shall be applied: (in g/test) where u = ratio between density of exhaust component and density of exhaust gas conc i = instantaneous concentration of the respective component in the raw exhaust gas (ppm) G EXHW,i = instantaneous exhaust mass flow (kg/s) f = data sampling rate (Hz) n = number of measurements For the calculation of NOx , the humidity correction factor k H , as described here below, shall be used.
De volgende formule moet worden toegepast: M gas = (in g/test) waarin: u = verhouding tussen de dichtheid van de uitlaatgascomponent en de dichtheid van het uitlaatgas; conci = momentane concentratie van desbetreffende component in het ruwe uitlaatgas (ppm); G EXHW,i = momentele uitlaatgasmassastroom (kg/s); f = frequentie van bemonstering (Hz); n = aantal metingen.