In addition to Taoiseach Enda Kenny, the launch event in Galway was attended by Simon Coveney, the Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine; Kerri-Ann Jones, United States Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs; Senator David Wells of Canada, who represented Edward Fast, Canadian Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway; Commissioners Damanaki and Geoghegan-Quinn; other representatives of the EU Atlantic Coastal States; and representatives from research and industry.
Naast de Ierse premier Enda Kenny werd deze bijeenkomst in Galway bijgewoond door Simon Coveney, de Ierse minister van Landbouw, Voedselvoorziening en Mariene Zaken, de commissarissen Damanaki en Geoghegan-Quinn, vertegenwoordigers van de VS, Canada en de aan de Atlantische Oceaan gelegen EU‑lidstaten, alsmede vertegenwoordigers van de onderzoekswereld en het bedrijfsleven.