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Analyse procedures of distribution management
Bacterial disease
Clarify automatic call distribution data
Communicable disease
Contagious disease
Contagious dispersion
Contagious distribution
Distribution network
Distribution of Community funding
Distribution of EU funding
Distribution of European Union funding
Distribution policy
Distribution structure
Distributive trades
Explain automatic call distribution data
Generalised contagious distribution
Generalized contagious distribution
Infectious disease
Interpret automatic call distribution data
Parasitic disease
Perform analyses of distribution management procedures
Review distribution management procedures
Review procedures for distribution management
Sales network
Sleeping sickness
Solve automatic call distribution data
Subrahmaniam's generalised contagious distribution
Subrahmaniam's generalized contagious distribution
Viral disease
Viral diseases
Yellow fever

Traduction de «Contagious distribution » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
generalised contagious distribution | generalized contagious distribution

gegeneraliseerde besmettingskansverdeling

Subrahmaniam's generalised contagious distribution | Subrahmaniam's generalized contagious distribution

gegeneraliseerde contaminatieverdeling van Subrahmaniam

contagious dispersion | contagious distribution

geen toevallige verdeling

ensuring regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | secure regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | enable regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | ensure regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities

ervoor zorgen dat de regelgeving inzake distributieactiviteiten wordt nageleefd | garanderen dat de regelgeving inzake distributieactiviteiten wordt nageleefd

distributive trades [ distribution network | distribution policy | distribution structure | sales network ]

commerciële distributie [ distributiebeleid | distributienet | distributiestructuur | handelsorganisatie | verkoopnet ]

perform analyses of distribution management procedures | review procedures for distribution management | analyse procedures of distribution management | review distribution management procedures

distributiebeheersprocedures controleren

clarify automatic call distribution data | explain automatic call distribution data | interpret automatic call distribution data | solve automatic call distribution data

gegevens van automatische oproepverdeling interpreteren

infectious disease [ bacterial disease | cholera | communicable disease | contagious disease | leprosy | malaria | parasitic disease | sleeping sickness | trypanosomiasis | tuberculosis | viral disease | viral diseases | yellow fever ]

infectieziekte [ bacterieziekte | besmettelijke ziekte | cholera | gele koorts | hepatitis | lepra | malaria | moeraskoorts | parasitaire ziekte | slaapziekte | trypanosomiasis | tuberculose | virusziekte ]

A very rare hereditary skin disease with manifestation of irregularly distributed epidermal hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles. Reported in 35 families worldwide to date. The lesions usually start to develop in early adolescence but can also prese

syndroom van Buschke-Fischer-Brauer

distribution of EU funding [ distribution of Community funding | distribution of European Union funding ]

verdeling van de EU-financiering [ verdeling van de communautaire financiering | verdeling van de financiering van de Europese Unie ]
(21c) The Commission should seek, together with the Member States, to harmonise the distribution of costs between the national governments and the agricultural sector within the national cofinancing part of the costs of outbreaks of contagious animal diseases.

(21 quater) De Commissie moet met de lidstaten werken aan de harmonisering van de kostenverdeling tussen de nationale overheden en de landbouwsector bij de medefinanciering door de lidstaten van de kosten van uitbraken van besmettelijke dierziektes.

The Commission shall draw up a proposal for harmonising the distribution of costs relating to outbreaks of contagious animal diseases between the agricultural sector and the governments within the Member States.

De Commissie stelt een voorstel op om de verdeling van de kosten in verband met uitbraken van besmettelijke dierziekten over de landbouwsectoren en de regeringen in de lidstaten te harmoniseren.

11. Points out that the current lack of clarity regarding compensation of livestock farmers when a contagious animal disease has to be combated could harm the financial interests of the Union, given that in the event of an outbreak there are differences in levels of compensation depending on the place of slaughter; calls on the European Commission to make good these lacunae with a compensation system in which the costs of combating the disease are distributed in a comparable manner between the EU, the national authorities and the agr ...[+++]

11. wijst erop dat de bestaande onduidelijkheid omtrent de compensatie van veehouders in het geval van bestrijding van een besmettelijke dierziekte de financiële belangen van de Unie zou kunnen schaden, doordat er tijdens één uitbraak verschillen optreden in de hoogte van compensatie al naargelang de plaats van slachting; roept de Commissie op deze lacunes op te vullen middels een compensatiesysteem waarbij de bestrijdingskosten in alle lidstaten op een vergelijkbare manier gedragen worden door de EU, de nationale overheid en de agrarische sector;

Whereas several outbreaks of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia have occurred in two areas in the territory of Spain and, additionally, the exact distribution of the disease has not been clearly established;

Overwegende dat verscheidene uitbraken van besmettelijke bovine pleuropneumonie (BBPP) rond twee besmettingshaarden in Spanje zijn vastgesteld; dat bovendien nog niet met zekerheid kan worden vastgesteld in welke mate de ziekte zich heeft verbreid;

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It will cover the purchase, transport and distribution of tetracycline and other antibiotics to treat the disease, which is more contagious than bubonic plague and has now been reported in towns as far apart as Bombay, Surat, Jaipur, Delhi and Calcutta.

De hulp is bedoeld voor aanschaf, transport en distributie van antibiotica (tetracycline en dergelijke) voor de bestrijding van de longpest, die besmettelijker is dan de builenpest. Ziektegevallen zijn al gemeld in Bombay, Surat, Jaipur, Delhi, en Calcutta, gebieden die zeer ver uiteen liggen.
