. Cooperation shall promote business development through the provision of finance, guarantee facilities and technical support aimed at encouraging and supporting the creation, establishment, expansion, diversification, rehabilitation, restructuring, modernisation or privatisation of
dynamic, viable and competitive enterprises in all economic sectors as well as financial intermediaries such as deve
lopment finance and venture capital institutions, and l
...[+++]easing companies by:
3. De samenwerking is gericht op de bevordering van de bedrijfsontwikkeling door de verlening van financiering, garantiefaciliteiten en technische ondersteuning gericht op de bevordering en ondersteuning van de oprichting, vestiging, uitbreiding, diversificatie, rehabilitatie, herstructurering, modernisering of privatisering van dynamische, levensvatbare en concurrerende ondernemingen in alle economische sectoren, alsmede van financiële tussenpersonen, zoals financieringsinstituten en venture-capitalinstellingen, en leasingbedrijven, door: