(-1a) Cross-border online access throughout the Union to orphan works contained in the collections of libraries, records offices, educational establishments, archives, museums, film heritage institutions, broadcasting organisations, other cultural organisations and private collections in the Member States, as well as works contained in archives from public service broadcasting organisations, contributes to the promotion and protection of the Union’s cultural and linguistic diversity.
(- 1 bis) Grensoverschrijdende online-toegang in de hele Unie tot verweesde werken die zich bevinden in de verzamelingen van bibliotheken, registers, onderwijsinstellingen, archieven, musea, omroeporganisaties, andere culturele organisaties en particuliere verzamelingen in de lidstaten, alsook werken die zich in de archieven van publieke omroeporganisaties bevinden, draagt bij tot de bevordering en bescherming van de culturele en taalverscheidenheid van de Unie.