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Analyse procedures of distribution management
Clarify automatic call distribution data
Composite chart
Composite graph
Distribution curve
Distribution graph
Distribution network
Distribution of Community funding
Distribution of EU funding
Distribution of European Union funding
Distribution policy
Distribution structure
Distributive trades
Explain automatic call distribution data
Geographical distribution of the population
Hi-Lo chart
Hi-Lo graph
High-Low chart
High-Low graph
Interpret automatic call distribution data
Mixed chart
Mixed graph
Perform analyses of distribution management procedures
Population distribution
Review distribution management procedures
Review procedures for distribution management
Sales network
Solve automatic call distribution data

Vertaling van "Distribution graph " (Engels → Nederlands) :

distribution curve | distribution graph


composite chart | composite graph | mixed chart | mixed graph

gemengd diagram | gemengde graaf | gemengde grafiek

High-Low chart | High-Low graph | Hi-Lo chart | Hi-Lo graph

Hoog-Laag diagram | Hoog-Laag grafiek

ensuring regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | secure regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | enable regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities | ensure regulatory compliance concerning distribution activities

ervoor zorgen dat de regelgeving inzake distributieactiviteiten wordt nageleefd | garanderen dat de regelgeving inzake distributieactiviteiten wordt nageleefd

distributive trades [ distribution network | distribution policy | distribution structure | sales network ]

commerciële distributie [ distributiebeleid | distributienet | distributiestructuur | handelsorganisatie | verkoopnet ]

clarify automatic call distribution data | explain automatic call distribution data | interpret automatic call distribution data | solve automatic call distribution data

gegevens van automatische oproepverdeling interpreteren

perform analyses of distribution management procedures | review procedures for distribution management | analyse procedures of distribution management | review distribution management procedures

distributiebeheersprocedures controleren

A very rare hereditary skin disease with manifestation of irregularly distributed epidermal hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles. Reported in 35 families worldwide to date. The lesions usually start to develop in early adolescence but can also prese

syndroom van Buschke-Fischer-Brauer

distribution of EU funding [ distribution of Community funding | distribution of European Union funding ]

verdeling van de EU-financiering [ verdeling van de communautaire financiering | verdeling van de financiering van de Europese Unie ]

geographical distribution of the population [ Population distribution(ECLAS) | population distribution(GEMET) ]

geografische spreiding van de bevolking
6.3. Distribution of the mass between the axles which are part of a group of axles (where necessary, provide appropriate graphs): .

6.3. Verdeling van de massa over de assen die deel uitmaken van een groep assen (indien nodig passende grafieken overleggen): .

“System curve” means a relationship between flow and head (H = f(Q)) resulting from friction in the heating system or cooling distribution system, as presented in the following graph:

„Systeemkromme”: een verband tussen debiet en opvoerhoogte (H = f(Q)) dat het resultaat is van wrijving in het verwarmingssysteem of het koeldistributiesysteem, zoals weergegeven in de volgende grafiek:

6.3. Distribution of the mass between the axles which are part of a group of axles (where necessary, provide appropriate graphs): .

6.3. Verdeling van de massa over de assen die deel uitmaken van een groep assen (indien nodig passende grafieken overleggen): .

This is also reflected in the sectoral distribution of employment of non-nationals (Graph 11 ).

Dit wordt ook weerspiegeld in de sectorale verdeling van de werkgelegenheid van niet-onderdanen (grafiek 11).

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Recent surveys of literacy - which seek to measure such capacities in a variety of ways - indicate substantial differences between OECD countries, not only in overall levels of achievement, but in the degree of literacy 'inequality' across the population [6], with 'inequality' in the distribution of such skills being highly correlated with 'inequality' in the distribution of incomes [7] - further evidence of the close relationship between skill levels and levels of remuneration (see graph 7).

Uit recente studies naar alfabetisme - waarin op verschillende manieren werd geprobeerd deze vaardigheden te meten - blijken er grote verschillen te bestaan tussen de OESO-landen, niet alleen in het algemene niveau maar ook in de spreiding van het alfabetisme onder de bevolking [6] en bleek dat een ongelijke spreiding van deze vaardigheden sterk samenhing met een ongelijke inkomensverdeling [7] - hetgeen opnieuw bewijst dat er een nauw verband bestaat tussen vaardigheden en beloning (zie grafiek 7).

For groups of axles, the manufacturer must indicate the laws of distribution among the axles of the total mass applied on to the group (for instance by stating the distribution formulae or producing distribution graphs).

Voor groepen assen geeft de fabrikant aan volgens welke wetten de totale massa op de groep over de assen wordt verdeeld (bijvoorbeeld door vermelding van de verdelingsformules of het verstrekken van verdelingsgrafieken).
