5. In Annex II, Part B(a), point 5 , the text in the right-hand column is replaced by the following: "EL, P (Azores; district of Beja: all concelhos; district of Castelo Branco: concelhos de Castelo Branco, Fundão and Penamacôr, Idanha-a-Nova; district of Évora with the exception of concelhos de Montemor-O-Novo, Mora and Vendas Novas; district of Faro: all concelhos; district of Portalegre: concelhos de Arronches, Campo Maior, Elvas, Fronteira, Monforte and Sousel)".
5. In bijlage II, deel B, onder a), punt 5 , wordt de rechterkolom vervangen door: "EL, P (Azoren; district Beja: alle gemeenten; district Castelo Branco: de gemeenten Castelo Branco, Fundão en Penamacôr, Idanha-a-Nova; district Evora, behalve de gemeenten Montemor-o-Novo, Mora en Vendas Novas; district Faro: alle gemeenten; disctrict Portalegre: de gemeenten Arronches, Campo Maior, Elvas, Fronteira, Monforte en Sousel)".