[6] CFSP operations not having military or defence implications are for example structural and long-term issues such as non-proliferation, disarmament, security monitoring, security support for peace processes and stabilisation efforts, projects to combat terrorism, political facilitation and tasks undertaken by Special Representatives of the European Union as well as related preparatory fact-finding missions.
[6] GBVB-operaties zonder militaire of defensiegevolgen betreffen bijvoorbeeld structurele en langetermijnkwesties zoals non-profileratie, ontwapening, veiligheidstoezicht, veiligheidsondersteuning van vredesprocessen en stabilisatiemaatregelen, projecten voor terrorismebestrijding, politieke bevorderingsmaatregelen en opdrachten van speciale vertegenwoordigers van de Europese Unie alsmede daarmee verband houdende voorbereidende informatiemissies.