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Acrocyanosis Acroparaesthesia simple
Adult type polycystic kidney disease type II
Dialing type
Dialling type
Erythrocyanosis Erythromelalgia
Erythromelalgia Type II
Erythromelalgia Type III
Mitchell disease
Nothnagel's type
Progressive bulbar palsy of childhood
Scapuloperoneal form
Schultze's type
Spinal muscular atrophy adult form
Touch type
Type at speed
Type of dialing
Type of dialling
Type quickly
Typing at speed

Vertaling van "Erythromelalgia Type II " (Engels → Nederlands) :

erythromelalgia | Mitchell disease

acromelalgia | acromelalgie | erythermalgia | erythromelalgia | ziekte van Gerhardt | ziekte van Mitchell


acromelalgia | acromelalgie | erythermalgia | erythermalgie | erythromelalgia | erythromelalgie

Acrocyanosis Acroparaesthesia:simple [Schultze's type] | vasomotor [Nothnagel's type] | Erythrocyanosis Erythromelalgia

acrocyanose | acroparesthesie | eenvoudig [type Schultze] | acroparesthesie | vasomotoor [type Nothnagel] | erytrocyanose | erytromelalgie

Atrioventricular block, type I and II Möbitz block, type I and II Second-degree block, type I and II Wenckebach's block

atrioventriculair blok, type I en II | AV-blok, Mobitz type I en II | AV-blok, type Wenckebach | tweedegraads blok, type I en II

touch type | type quickly | type at speed | typing at speed

snel typen | typen aan hoge snelheid

dialing type | dialling type | type of dialing | type of dialling


Adult type polycystic kidney disease type II

polycysteuze nierziekte type 2 bij volwassene

Progressive bulbar palsy of childhood [Fazio-Londe] Spinal muscular atrophy:adult form | childhood form, type II | distal | juvenile form, type III [Kugelberg-Welander] | scapuloperoneal form

progressieve bulbairparalyse in kinderjaren [Fazio-Londe] | spinale spieratrofie | distaal | spinale spieratrofie | juveniele vorm, type III [Kugelberg-Welander] | spinale spieratrofie | scapuloperoneale vorm | spinale spieratrofie | van kinderleeftijd, type II | spinale spieratrofie | volwassen vorm

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Date index: 2022-03-12