(k) liaise with nationa
l and international research and innovation activities in the rail technical domain, in
particular via the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) Technology Platform, as well as with those in other domains, such as the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC), the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE), the Waterborne European Technology Platform, th
...[+++]e Future Manufacturing Technologies Platform (Manufuture), the Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies Platform (EuMaT), and others; (k) de afstemming waarborgen met nationale en internationale onderzoeks- en innovatieactiviteiten inzake spoortechniek, met name via het technol
ogieplatform van de European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC), alsmede met activiteiten op andere domeinen van onder meer de Euro
pean Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC), de Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE), het Waterborne European Technology Platform, het toekomstige Manufacturing Technologies Platform (Manufuture
...[+++]), het Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies Platform (EuMaT) en andere;