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Block - eustachian tube
Ear catheter
Eustachian catheter
Eustachian salpingitis
Eustachian tube
Eustachian tube Inner ear Mastoid air cells
Eustachian tube dis.
Eustachian tube prosthesis
Of Eustachian tube
Tube filling processes
Tube filling structures
Tube filling system
Tube filling systems

Vertaling van "Eustachian tube " (Engels → Nederlands) :

Eustachian tube dis.

disfunctie van buis van Eustachius

Eustachian tube Inner ear Mastoid air cells

binnenoor | buis van Eustachius | luchtcellen van mastoïd

Block - eustachian tube

obstructie van buis van Eustachius

Eustachian tube prosthesis

prothese voor buis van Eustachius

Bone-conduction hearing device Cochlear implant Eustachian tube stent Myringotomy tube(s) Stapes replacement

beengeleidingshoorapparaat | cochleair implantaat | myringotomie-buisje(s) | stent in buis van Eustachius | vervanging van stapes

Compression | Stenosis | Stricture | of Eustachian tube

compressievan tuba Eustachii | stenosevan tuba Eustachii | strictuurvan tuba Eustachii

Eustachian salpingitis

ontsteking van de tuba | salpingitis

tube filling structures | tube filling system | tube filling processes | tube filling systems


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Date index: 2022-05-21