Furthermore, the competent authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo informed of the withdrawal of operating licenses for air carriers of which the Commission had not been previously informed they had an operating license: Air Fox, Trans Kasai Air, Wetrafa, Adala Airways, Executive Aviation, Flight Express, Katana Airways, Showa Air Cargo, Gloria Airways, Soft Trans Air, Lomami Aviation, Pegassus Aviation, African Trading and Transport, Brooks Trading.
Bovendien hebben de bevoegde autoriteiten van de Democratische Republiek Congo meegedeeld dat zij de exploitatievergunningen hebben ingetrokken van luchtvaartmaatschappijen waarvan de Commissie nog niet op de hoogte was gebracht dat ze over een exploitatievergunning beschikten: Air Fox, Trans Kasai Air, Wetrafa, Adala Airways, Executive Aviation, Flight Express, Katana Airways, Showa Air Cargo, Gloria Airways, Soft Trans Air, Lomami Aviation, Pegassus Aviation, African Trading and Transport, Brooks Trading.