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Align permit for market stall
Arrange permit for market stall
Arranging permit for market stall
Aspects of faces
Attributes of faces
Characteristic of a face
Characteristics of faces
Clean stalls
Deep stall
Faced-in stall
Faced-out stall
Market stall permit arrangement
Stall mucking-out
Stall warning device
Stall warning indicator
Stall warning transmitter
Stall with centre feed alley
Stalls cleaning
Stalls mucking-out
Street stall salesman

Vertaling van "Faced-in stall " (Engels → Nederlands) :

faced-in stall | stall with centre feed alley

kop aan kopstal met centrale voedergang

align permit for market stall | arranging permit for market stall | arrange permit for market stall | market stall permit arrangement

vergunningen voor marktkramen regelen

stall mucking-out | stalls mucking-out | clean stalls | stalls cleaning

boxen schoonmaken | stallen reinigen | boxen reinigen | stallen schoonmaken

stall warning device | stall warning indicator | stall warning transmitter


attributes of faces | characteristic of a face | aspects of faces | characteristics of faces

eigenschappen van gezichten

A central nervous system malformation with characteristics of severe intellectual deficit, early hypotonia with progression to spasticity and contractures, choreoathetosis, seizures, dysmorphic face (long face with prominent forehead) and brain imagi

X-gebonden intellectuele achterstand, malformatie van Dandy-Walker, basale gangliaziekte, insultensyndroom
50. Supports the UN Special Rapporteur’s report to the 69th session of the UN General Assembly on the human rights situation in Myanmar, which recognises the progress made so far while identifying remaining areas of major concern, notably with regard to the situation in Rakhine state and the situation of Rohingyas, which is exacerbated by the fact that this community lacks legal status and thus continues to face systemic discrimination; deplores the attacks on civilians in the Kachin and Shan States, sexual violence committed by security forces during armed conflict, the existence of political prisoners, the harassment of human rights d ...[+++]

50. steunt het verslag van de speciale rapporteur van de VN tijdens de 69e zitting van de Algemene Vergadering van de VN over de mensenrechtensituatie in Myanmar, waarin hij erkent dat er al vorderingen zijn gemaakt maar erop wijst dat er nog altijd grote problemen zijn, in het bijzonder voor wat de situatie van de Rohingya-bevolking in de staat Rakhine betreft, die nog wordt verergerd doordat deze bevolking geen juridische status bezit en bijgevolg structureel wordt gediscrimineerd; betreurt de aanvallen op burgers in de staten Kachin en Shan, het gebrui ...[+++]

– The reason why Estonia has had to enforce budgetary discipline is not primarily the euro, but the fact that Estonia’s economy faced a very serious financial crisis, like all of us, and economic growth stalled.

− (EN) De reden waarom Estland de begrotingsdiscipline moest versterken, is niet in de eerste plaats de euro, maar het feit dat de economie van Estland te maken had met een zeer ernstige financiële crisis, zoals wij allemaal, en dat de economische groei stagneerde.

datacenter (1): (

'Faced-in stall' ->

Date index: 2022-03-03