However, this action programme fails to comply with the directive on many points. The main problem is that the Dutch action programme does not set binding limits for the application of manure to land. This requirement is one of the key elements of the Directive, and the Commission considers that it must be strictly respected. In addition, the action programme does not contain appropriate rules relating to the capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure; the limitation of
land application of fertilizers which take account of climatic condi
tions, rainfall and irrigation; periods ...[+++] when the land application of chemical fertilizers is inappropriate; and the land application of fertilizers near water courses.
Evenmin bevat het actieprogramma passende voorschriften inzake de volgende aspecten: capaciteit van opslagtanks voor dierlijke mest; beperkingen ten aanzien van het uitrijden van mest, rekening houdend met weersomstandigheden, neerslag en irrigatie; periodes tijdens welke het in of op de bodem brengen van kunstmest onwenselijk is; en de toepassing van meststoffen op nabij waterlopen gelegen gronden.