J. recognising the historical and political link between the Hungarian Revolution in October 1956 and various other forms of resistance and resistance movements, such as the mass demonstrations in East Germany in June 1953, the Poznan demonstrations in Poland in June 1956, the Prague Spring of 1968, the birth of the Solidarity Movement in Poland in 1980 and democracy movements in the former USSR, notably those of the Baltic peoples,
J. in het besef van het historische en politieke verband tussen de Hongaarse revolutie in oktober 1956 en diverse andere vormen van verzet en verzetsbewegingen, zoals de massademonstraties in Oost-Duitsland in juni 1953, demonstraties in het Poolse Poznań in juni 1956, de Praagse lente in 1968, de geboorte van Solidariteit in Polen in 1980 en de democratiebewegingen in de voormalige USSR, met name die van de Baltische volkeren,