The CAP is currently plagued by inconsistencies. Firstly, there is a great deal of inconsistency between a first pillar with an
approach primarily geared to production, and a second pillar geared to rural development. This situation is aggravated by the insistence on transferring resources from the first to the second pillar without questioning the dominant market-support model. This support model is generally based on volumes produced, and is still far from putting into practice the formal declarations made by the EU in favour of multifunctional agriculture, food security, economic and social cohesion and sustainable development. Remedy
...[+++]ing this situation requires: (a) strengthening the eco-conditionality of market aid from the angle of sustainable development; (b) consolidating restructuring measures within the COMs, which might be given a contractual focus in order to ensure consistency with sustainable rural development; (c) introducing rural conditionality into market aid, seeking greater complementarity between the first and second pillar and preserving multifunctional family-based farming throughout the EU; and (d) defining four separate functions within the second pillar, one in favour of agri-environmental measures (geared exclusively towards palliating the negative external factors arising from production-oriented agriculture), one in favour of biodiversity, one in favour of multifunctional socio-economic development, and finally a fourth function in favour of food quality and security.(c) voorwaarden op het gebied van plattelandsbeleid te worden verbonden aan de marktsteun, waarbij mo
et worden gestreefd naar een betere complementariteit tussen de eerste en de tweede pijler en, kortom, handhaving van multifunctionele kleine gezinsbedrijven in de landbouw op het gehele grondgebied van de EU; en d) vier doelstellingen te worden onderscheiden binnen de tweede pijler, namelijk ondersteuning van agro-milieumaatregelen (uitsluitend gericht op verzachting van de externe negatieve gevolgen van de productielandbouw), biodiversiteit, multifunctionele sociaal-economische ontwikkeling, en, tenslotte, voedselkwaliteit en veilighei