This applies to areas such as development policy and the application of UN sanctions, but also to creating the right incentives within, inter alia, our trade and political relations with third countries or through specific trade instruments such as the General System of Preferences or FTAs, to encourage our partners to promote the respect of human rights, labour standards the environment, and good governance, including in tax matters.
Deze synergie moet ook de nodige stimulansen bieden, onder meer in onze handelsbetrekkingen en politieke relaties met derde landen of door middel van specifieke handelsinstrumenten, zoals het stelsel van algemene preferenties of vrijhandelsovereenkomsten, om onze partners aan te moedigen de naleving van de mensenrechten en arbeidsnormen, alsmede milieubescherming en goed bestuur, ook in belastingzaken, te bevorderen.