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Aid students with library operations
Assist students with library operations
Assists students with library operations
Audio-visual library
Audiovisual library
Book mobile library
Classify library materials
Classify materials
Create library educational programs
Cyber library
Develop library educational program
Develop library educational programs
Digital library
Electronic library
Help students with library operations
International Federation of Library Associations
International Library and Bibliographical Committee
Library classification
Library service
Media library
Mobile library
Multimedia library
Organize library educational programs
Travelling library
Virtual library

Traduction de «Library classification » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
library classification

bibliothecarische classificatie | bibliotheek-classificatie

classify library books, publications and audiovisual documents | library classification | classify library materials | classify materials

bibliotheekmateriaal classificeren

virtual library [ cyberlibrary | cyber library | digital library | electronic library ]

virtuele bibliotheek [ cyberbibliotheek | digitale bibliotheek ]

create library educational programs | organize library educational programs | develop library educational program | develop library educational programs

educatieve programma's in bibliotheken ontwikkelen

aid students with library operations | help students with library operations | assist students with library operations | assists students with library operations

studenten bijstaan bij de werking van de bibliotheek

media library [ audiovisual library | audio-visual library | multimedia library ]


International Federation of Library Associations | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | International Library and Bibliographical Committee | IFLA [Abbr.]

Internationale Federatie van Bibliotheekverenigingen en -instellingen | IFLA [Abbr.]

book mobile library | mobile library | travelling library

mobiele bibliotheek

Assessment using NYHA (New York Heart Association) Classification

beoordelen met New York Heart Association-classificatie
Regarding the classification of the Projects 138811 AlgOpt, 144265 Shiplog II and 144214 Library of optimisation routines for scheduling in shipping, the RCN restated that all three projects were classified as pre-competitive development based on a thorough assessment and evaluation of the project applications according to the RCN procedures and guidelines for project evaluation.

Met betrekking tot de indeling van de projecten 138811 AlgOpt, 144265 Shiplog II en 144214 „Bibliotheek van optimaliseringsroutines voor schema's in de scheepvaart”, herhaalde de Onderzoeksraad dat alle drie de projecten na een grondige beoordeling en evaluatie van de projectaanvragen onder preconcurrentiële ontwikkelingsactiviteiten waren ingedeeld op basis van de procedures en richtsnoeren van de Onderzoeksraad voor projectevaluatie.

As mentioned above and explained in detail in the Decision No 60/06/COL, the Authority expressed doubts as regards the classification of Project 138811 ‘AlgOpt’, Project 144265 ‘Shiplog II’ and Project 144214 ‘Library of optimisation routines for scheduling in shipping’ as pre-competitive development activities.

Zoals hierboven is gezegd en in detail is toegelicht in Besluit nr. 60/06/COL had de Autoriteit twijfels met betrekking tot de indeling van Project 138811 „AlgOpt”, Project 144265 „Shiplog II” en Project 144214 — „Bibliotheek van optimaliseringsroutines voor roosters in de scheepvaart” als preconcurrentiële ontwikkelingsactiviteiten.
