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Acoustic nerve
Auditory nerve
Autonomic nerve injury
Cumulative trauma disorder
Cutaneous sensory nerve injury of upper limb
Digital nerve injury
Eight cranial nerve
Injury of nerve
Nerve injury
Occupational cervicobrachial syndrome
Overuse injuries
Overuse syndrome
Prescribe musculoskeletal injuries treatment
Prescribe treatment for msculo-skeletal injuries
Prescribe treatment for musculoskeletal injuries
Repetitive strain injuries
Repetitive strain injury
Repetitive stress injury
Traumatic division of nerve
Work-related upper limb disorder
Write prescriptions for musculoskeletal injuries

Traduction de «Nerve injury » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
nerve injury | neurotrauma

neurotrauma | zenuwverwonding

Digital nerve injury

traumatisch letsel van zenuw van vinger

Autonomic nerve injury

letsel van autonoom zenuwstelsel

Cutaneous sensory nerve injury of upper limb

letsel van sensibele huidzenuw van bovenste extremiteit

Injuries of brain and cranial nerves with injuries of nerves and spinal cord at neck level

letsels van hersenen en hersenzenuwen met letsels van zenuwen en ruggenmerg op cervicaal niveau

cumulative trauma disorder(s) | occupational cervicobrachial syndrome | overuse injuries | overuse syndrome | repetitive strain injuries | repetitive strain injury | repetitive stress injury | work-related upper limb disorder | CTD [Abbr.] | OCS [Abbr.] | RSI [Abbr.] | WRULD [Abbr.]

repetitief overbelastingsletsel

prescribe treatment for msculo-skeletal injuries | write prescriptions for musculoskeletal injuries | prescribe musculoskeletal injuries treatment | prescribe treatment for musculoskeletal injuries

behandelingen voor musculoskeletale letsels voorschrijven | behandelingen voor musculoskeletale verwondingen voorschrijven

Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root and plexus of trunk

letsel van niet-gespecificeerde zenuw, zenuwwortel en spinale-plexus van romp

Injury of nerve | Traumatic:division of nerve | haematomyelia | paralysis (transient) | NOS

letsel van zenuw NNO | traumatische | doorsnijding van zenuw NNO | traumatische | hematomyelie NNO | traumatische | paralyse (voorbijgaand) NNO

acoustic nerve | auditory nerve | eight cranial nerve

There are new products in the pipeline, whose applications may provide treatments for diseases which could not be treated in a satisfactory manner so far, such as cardiovascular diseases (tissue-engineered heart valves, vessel grafts and heart muscle tissue) or neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's) and damaged nerve fibres and spinal cord injury.

Er zijn nieuwe producten in de maak, waarvan de toepassingen het mogelijk maken ziekten te behandelen die tot dusver niet op toereikende wijze behandeld kunnen worden, zoals cardiovasculaire aandoeningen (via weefselengineering verkregen hartkleppen, bloedvatimplantaten en hartspierweefsel) en neurodegeneratieve ziekten (bijv. de ziekte van Alzheimer en van Parkinson), alsmede beschadigingen van zenuwvezels en letsels aan het ruggenmerg.
