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Alcoholic hallucinosis
Autism spectrum disorder
Boat NOS Ship NOS Watercraft NOS
Call forward-no answer
Call forwarding no reply
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Delirium tremens
Depressed or paranoid type
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Ferry-boat Liner
No fault
Pervasive developmental disorder
Presenile dementia NOS
Primary degenerative dementia NOS Senile dementia NOS
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
Surf-board Windsurfer

Vertaling van "PDD-NOS " (Engels → Nederlands) :

Partnership for Democracy and Development in Central America | PDD [Abbr.]

Partnerschap voor Democratie en Ontwikkeling | Partnership for Democracy and Development | PDD [Abbr.]

pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified | PDD-NOS [Abbr.]

niet-anderszins omschreven pervasieve ontwikkelingsstoornis | PDD-NOS [Abbr.]

ASD | autism spectrum disorder | pervasive developmental disorder | PDD [Abbr.]

pervasieve ontwikkelingsstoornis

Call forwarding no reply | Call forward-no answer (États-Unis) | CFNR

Call forwarding no reply | CFNR | Oproepdoorschakeling

watercraft accidents in the course of recreational activities | Modifiers The following fourth-character subdivisions are for use with categories V90-V94: Code Title .0 Merchant ship .1 Passenger ship Ferry-boat Liner .2 Fishing boat .3 Other powered watercraft Hovercraft (on open water) Jet skis .4 Sailboat Yacht .5 Canoe or kayak .6 Inflatable craft (nonpowered) .7 Water-skis .8 Other unpowered watercraft Surf-board Windsurfer .9 Unspecified watercraft Boat NOS Ship NOS Watercraft NOS | Ferry-boat Liner | Hovercraft (on open water) Jet skis | Yacht | Surf-board Windsurfer | Boat NOS Ship NOS Watercraft NOS

ongevallen met vaartuigen tijdens recreatieve activiteiten

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include self-report data, analysis of blood and other body fluids, characteristic physical and psychological symptom ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Dit blok omvat een grote verscheidenheid van stoornissen van verschillende ernst en klinische vorm, die evenwel alle aan het gebruik van een of meer psychoactieve middelen, al dan niet op medisch voorschrift, zijn toe te schrijven. De betrokken stof wordt aangegeven door middel van het derde teken van de code en het vierde teken specificeert de klinische toestand; deze codering dient, waar nodig, gebruikt te worden voor elk gespecificeerd middel, met dien verstande dat niet elk vierde teken van toepassing is op elke stof.

Presenile:dementia NOS | psychosis NOS | Primary degenerative dementia NOS Senile:dementia:NOS | depressed or paranoid type | psychosis NOS

preseniele dementie NNO | preseniele psychose NNO | primair degeneratieve dementie NNO | seniele dementie | NNO | seniele dementie | depressieve of paranoïde vorm | seniele psychose NNO

An X-linked disorder of purine metabolism comprised of two forms: an early-onset severe form with characteristics of gout, urolithiasis, and neurodevelopmental anomalies (severe PRPP synthetase superactivity) and a mild late-onset form with no neurol


A rare and isolated orofacial defect with manifestation of incomplete median clefts of both the lower lip (limited to the vermilion, with no muscle involvement) and upper lip (with muscle involvement), double labial frenulum and fusion of the upper g

familiale mediane splijting van boven- en onderlip
In 2004, the first round of implementation of the Partnerships for Development (PDD) came to an end and the second phase was launched.

In 2004 was de eerste uitvoeringsronde voor de ontwikkelingspartnerschappen afgelopen en begon de tweede fase.

In 2004, the first round of implementation of the Partnerships for Development (PDD) came to an end and the second phase was launched.

In 2004 was de eerste uitvoeringsronde voor de ontwikkelingspartnerschappen afgelopen en begon de tweede fase.
