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Influenzal acute upper respiratory infection
Inter-pleural cavity
Inter-pleural space
Malignant pleural effusion NOS
Other influenza virus identified
Pleural effusion
Pleural invasion by tumor absent
Pleural invasion by tumor present
Pleural tumor
Pleural tumour
Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte
Tumor-derived activated cell
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte
Tumour infiltrating lymphocyte
Unspecified or specific virus not identified

Traduction de «Pleural tumor » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

Pleural invasion by tumor absent

afwezigheid van pleurale invasie door neoplasma

Pleural invasion by tumor present

aanwezigheid van pleurale invasie door neoplasma

inter-pleural cavity | inter-pleural space

ruimte of holte tussen het borstvlies

tumor infiltrating lymphocyte | tumor-derived activated cell | tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte | tumour infiltrating lymphocyte | TIL [Abbr.]

tumorinfiltrerende lymfocyt | TIL [Abbr.]

A rare genetic subcutaneous tissue disorder with the presence of benign usually multiple subcutaneous tumors. The tumors are composed of adipose tissue and blood vessels typically manifesting as yellow firm circumscribed 1-4 cm in diameter tumors loc

familiale angiolipomatose

Influenza NOS Influenzal:acute upper respiratory infection | laryngitis | pharyngitis | pleural effusion | unspecified or specific virus not identified

acute infectie bovenste luchtwegendoor influenza, niet-gespecificeerd of specifiek virus niet geïdentificeerd | faryngitisdoor influenza, niet-gespecificeerd of specifiek virus niet geïdentificeerd | laryngitisdoor influenza, niet-gespecificeerd of specifiek virus niet geïdentificeerd | vochtophoping in pleuraholtedoor influenza, niet-gespecificeerd of specifie ...[+++]

Influenza | Influenzal:acute upper respiratory infection | laryngitis | pharyngitis | pleural effusion | other influenza virus identified

acute infectie bovenste luchtwegen door influenza door overig geïdentificeerd-influenzavirus | faryngitis door influenza door overig geïdentificeerd-influenzavirus | influenza door influenza door overig geïdentificeerd-influenzavirus | laryngitis door influenza door overig geïdentificeerd-influenzavirus | vochtophoping in pleuraholte door influenza door overig geïdentificeerd-influenzavirus

Malignant pleural effusion NOS

maligne vochtophoping in pleuraholte, NNO
