4. Points out that the internet provides children and young people with immensely valuable tools which can be used to express or assert their views, acc
ess information and learning and claim their rights, as well as being an excellent tool of communication, providing opportunities of openness to the world and personal growth; stresses, no
netheless, that the online environment and social media sources pose substantial pot
ential risks to the privacy and digni ...[+++]ty of children, who generally use the internet with great ease but are also among its more vulnerable users; recalls that the internet also exposes children to risks, through phenomena such as child pornography, exchange of material on violence, cybercrime, intimidation, bullying, grooming, children being able to access or acquire legally restricted or age-inappropriate goods and services, exposure to age-inappropriate, aggressive or misleading advertising, scams, identity theft, fraud and similar risks of a financial nature that can originate traumatic experiences; herinnert eraan dat internet kinderen ook blootstelt aan risico's vanwege verschijnselen als kinderpornografie, de uitwisseling van materiaal over geweld, cybercriminaliteit, intimidatie, pesteri
jen, kinderlokkerij online, de mogelijkheid voor kinderen om toegang te krijgen tot goederen en diensten waarvoor wettelijke beperkingen gelden of die ongeschikt zijn voor hun leeftijd of deze te kopen, blootstelling aan niet bij de leeftijd passende, agressieve of misleidende reclame, zwendelpraktijken, identiteitsdiefstal, oplichterij en soortgelijke bedreigi
ngen van financiële aard die traum ...[+++]atische ervaringen kunnen opleveren;