This aspect of the aid, since it is proposed in the form of an operating aid (1 DM cubic metre (+ 0,5 ECU) of manure spread by a third party) which is a type of aid normally considered incompatible with the common market, was nevertheless given clearance because - the objective is, inter alia, to provide an environmentally appropriate way for fa
rmers to dispose of slurry even if they are not in a p
osition to purchase spreading equipment themselves individually, - the conditions of aid are stricter than those which normally apply to fa
...[+++]rmers spreading their own slurry, thus providing an additional benefit for the environment.In het kader van laatstgenoemde maatregel zou met steun voor de bedrijfsvoering worden gewerkt (1 DM (± 0,5 ecu) voor elke kubieke meter mest die door derden wordt uitgereden), hetgeen in principe strijdig wordt geacht met de gemeenschappelijke markt.